Can the millennial workforce change your business? With millennials about 80 million strong, how can they not? Contrary to the idea that they are lazy and bored at corporate jobs, they can bring a freshness and wealth of new ideas to your company.
To best utilize your millennial workforce, you must change the way you think about the younger generation. They do not follow the standard top down leadership style. In colleges and universities across the nation they are being taught innovate new leadership styles and are creating their own. Look at companies like Facebook, Tumblr, and Pinterest. All ran by millennials who are finding enormous success in their industries.
Reach out to the younger generation at your company and ask them tough questions. Ask them things like, what do they think of the leadership style in your company? Do they feel supported? What ideas do they have for the success of the company as a whole? You may get some surprising answers just by asking a few basic questions. Reward new ideas and accept criticism and you will find yourself moving into the new world of business.